Declared 30th of June 1988 in area of 205, 15 ha, for protection of important botanical location of warm climate vegetation, it presents the woods complex with the height of 750 to 995 m above the sea level on the base of dolomite limestone.
The mountain group of Baba forms vegetation bridge, which connects the Low Tatras above the valley Vah with Slovakian ore mountains in river basin Hornad and Hnilec. Different climatic conditions during the Ice age and in between the Ice age periods in Quaternary and the era after Ice age, influenced the development of flora of the Nature` Reserve.
The southern part of the Nature` Reserve is very warm, while the northern hillsides are cold, which creates conditions for occurrence of warm climate plants near the cold climate ones.
The length of this instructive path is 4 km with incline of 270 m and has 5 stops.
We are situated on the mountain range of the eastern part of Nature` Reserve, under the summit of Maly Smolnik (953 m above the sea level). The natural conditions of the Nature` Reserve creates assumption for occurrence of ordinary species of animals like wolf, fox, wild cat, lynx, badger, marten, mountain boar, roe and red deer.
In the territory of the Nature Reserve they also observed 61 protected species, into which belongs: bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula L.), black woodpecker (Dryocopus martius L.), great spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopos major L.), pygmy owl (Glaucidium passerinum L.), kestrel (Falco tinnunculus L.), common-buzzard (Buteo buteo L.), lesser spotted eagle (Aquila pomarina Brehm.), raven (Corvus corax L.), white stork (Ciconia ciconia L.), black stork (Ciconia nigra L.) and common toad (Bufo bufo).
The mineral base of the Nature` Reserve was formed by dolomite, which settled down on the former sea base in Mesozoic period, 200mil. Years ago.
These sediments were flexible, in orogenic phase they were separated from the base of crystallized core which was created by granite and by spring minerals and they had been moving to different long distances from the place of the original occurrence. They are called blankets. With the air brushing of the dolomite, shallow Rendzic Leptosols soils arise.
The territory has cross characteristics with couple of spring water wells.
The Nature Reserve Baba was declared in 1988 for protection of relic-warm climate community of plants on the dolomite base with precious and protected species of flora and fauna.
The vegetation has characteristics of steppes with the majority of non-original spruce-growth with relic group of pine trees. The land of the Nature Reserve belongs to the Northern parts of the foothills of the Low Tatras, from which are isolated by Hranovnická Rift Valley and valley of Čierny Vah. The place of Lopušná dolina is a suburban recreation area of town Svit and it is a part of a place of interest of Biely Vah-Šuňava in a protected region of NAPANT (National Parc Low Tatras).
The view, which offers this stop, presents the area of European watershed between the Baltic and the Black sea. The alternation of climatic periods (Ice age and after the Ice age) afflicted into development of plants and it effected today` vegetation, so that in a direct cohesion are growing warm climate mountain plants with the cold climate ones. The mountain group of Baba is covered by pine woods and on some places is replaced with spruce woods.
Spruce woods overgrow caused enrichment with more other species of plants. There are also plants from original oak and fir-beech woods. From the protected plants which occurred here are: Dianthus plumarius L., Arctostaphylos uva-ursi L. Spr., Pulsatilla slavica Reuss., Soldanella carpatica Vierth., Campanula carpatica Jacq., Gentiana verna L., Lilium martagom L., Aquilegia vulgaris L., Primula auricula L., Crocus heuffelianus Herb., Trollius europaeus L., Gentiana asclepiadea L., Daphne cneorum l:, Clematis alpina (L.) Mill., Primula farinosa L., Dryas octopetala L., Aconitum moldavicum L.
The original mixed woods point out the occurrence of Lathyrus vernus (L.)Bernh., Maianthemum bifolium L., Convalaria majalis L., Corylus avellana L., Lonicera caprifolium L. and Sorbus aria L.
After the plantation of spruce trees in the territory of Nature` Reserve henceforth remained Sorbus aucuparia L., Acer pseudoplatanum L., Tilia, Betula, Alnus glutinosa L. and Fagus sylvatica L.